Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the North West Shelf Seas

03 November, 2020


Mercator Ocean international, the UK Met Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory and BSH (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) are organizing the Copernicus Marine Service Online Training Workshop dedicated to the North West Shelf Seas on November 03 2020 – 1:30 pm UTC.


The online Copernicus Marine Training sessions have been designed to train existing as well as new Copernicus Marine Service users. The audience will learn about the use of the Copernicus Marine Service products and services and their possible applications.

The acquisition of knowledge during the workshop will allow the public to

Copernicus marine products are open-access and free for all to use.


The workshop aims to bring together experts and users of marine products. It will consist of a mixture of plenary expert talks, round table discussions and hands-on practical exercises to explore the Copernicus Marine products catalogueThe target audience is mainly beginners and new users.

By the end of this training event you will be able to:

  • Describe the potential value of using Copernicus Marine products.
  • Identify relevant Copernicus Marine products that would be appropriate for you to use.
  • Navigate the Copernicus Marine product catalogue.
  • Confidently use appropriate tools and products from the catalogue.
  • Provide inputs for future design and development of Copernicus Marine Service tools and products.

Click here for full information and to book