US – Webinar – Maximizing the Benefits from a Mentoring Program

13 April, 2021


Tuesday April 13, 2021: 12:00pm-1:00pm (CDT)

Mentoring can in fact be a win-win relationship, in which both sides, mentors, and mentees, learn from each other enhancing their career paths. Participants of mentoring associations share a privileged outlook to understand the root causes of barriers, as well as to envision plausible solutions for difficult career crossroads, in which mentorship is key to steer step changes.

Our speaker Maria Angela Capello, Author of Learned in the Trenches: Insights into Leadership and Resilience and Mentoring and Sponsoring: Keys to Success, will share a compilation of very personal approaches to mentoring and sponsoring, breaking the stereotypes of seniority, age, or experience.

For more information and to book your place please click here.